How I Upgraded From a Non-Condensing to a Condensing Boiler

Apr 4, 2024

Welcome to your go-to guide on upgrading your home heating system from a non-condensing to a condensing boiler. In today’s world, where energy efficiency and reducing environmental impact are at the forefront of homeowners’ minds, making smart choices about your home’s heating can make a significant difference.

What is a Condensing Boiler?

Let’s dive right in. A condensing boiler is a type of boiler designed for optimum efficiency. Unlike traditional non-condensing boilers, these marvels of modern heating technology capture and reuse heat from exhaust gases that would otherwise be lost to the atmosphere. This process not only saves energy but also makes condensing boilers much more environmentally friendly and cost-effective in the long run.

Gas boiler

Gas boiler

Benefits of Upgrading

Efficiency Gains

To run your home more efficiently, switching to a condensing boiler is a smart move. These boilers operate at over 90% efficiency (source: British Gas report), significantly higher than their non-condensing counterparts. This means less energy is wasted, and more of your money is spent on actual heating.

Environmental Impact

If reducing your carbon footprint is a goal, a condensing boiler should be at the top of your list. By making the switch, you’re not just saving on bills; you’re contributing to a healthier planet by emitting less CO2.

Financial Savings

Upgrading to a condensing boiler can lead to significant savings on your energy bills, making the initial higher investment worthwhile. Condensing boilers are more efficient than older models because they can convert more of the fuel they use into heat. They do this by condensing water vapor in the exhaust gases and recovering its latent heat, which is normally lost in older boilers.

According to the Energy Saving Trust, heating and hot water account for over half of what you spend in a year on energy bills, so an efficient boiler makes a big difference. Switching to an ‘A’ rated new boiler, which includes modern condensing models, can potentially save up to £580 per year when replacing an old G-rated boiler with a new A-rated condensing model and full set of heating controls. Moreover, EDF Energy suggests that an A-rated energy-efficient boiler could save you up to £540 annually compared to older, less efficient models​ (EDF).

The cost of a new boiler installation can vary, with prices ranging from approximately £1,845 to £3,500 depending on the type and complexity of the installation​ (New Boiler Co.)​. However, the substantial annual savings on energy bills can offset these costs over time.

By choosing a condensing boiler, not only do you benefit from reduced energy bills, but you also contribute to a lower carbon footprint, aligning with environmental sustainability goals.

Financial savings

Financial savings

How to Upgrade

Choosing the Right Boiler

The journey to a more efficient, eco-friendly home begins with selecting the perfect condensing boiler. It’s not just about picking any boiler; it’s about finding the boiler that fits like a glove. Here’s how to do it:

  • Size Matters: The size of the boiler is very important. Too small, and it won’t meet your heating needs; too large, and you’ll be overpaying for energy you don’t use. It’s about finding that perfect spot where the boiler is just right for your home’s size and layout.
  • Power Output: The boiler’s power output, measured in kilowatts (kW), directly correlates to its ability to heat your home and provide hot water. A professional can calculate the ideal output based on factors like how many bathrooms you have and the overall space of your home.
  • Heating Needs: Consider your household’s unique heating needs. Do you live in a region with harsh winters? Is your home well-insulated, or does it leak heat like a sieve? Understanding these needs will guide you to a boiler that can handle the demand.
  • Professional Guidance: Navigating the maze of boiler specs can be daunting. This is where consulting with a heating professional becomes invaluable. They can assess your home, listen to your needs, and recommend a boiler that fits your requirements and budget. Their expertise ensures you won’t end up with a system that’s overkill or, worse, insufficient.
  • Costs: The upfront cost of installing a condensing boiler can vary widely depending on your home’s specifics and the complexity of the installation. It’s essential to consider not only the purchase price but also installation and ongoing operating costs. To mitigate some of these expenses, explore available grants such as the Boiler Upgrade Scheme, which may offer significant financial support towards the cost of replacing older, less efficient boilers with newer, eco-friendly models. This scheme and others like it can dramatically reduce the initial financial barrier, making the transition to a more energy-efficient heating system more accessible.
Professional gas boiler installation

Professional gas boiler installation

Professional Installation

Once you’ve picked the perfect condensing boiler, the next step is ensuring it’s installed with the precision of a Swiss watch. This is not a DIY project; professional installation of a boiler is crucial for several reasons:

  1. Safety First: Gas boilers involve complex installations that can pose safety risks if not handled correctly. Professional installers are trained to manage these risks, ensuring your system is not only efficient but also safe.
  2. Maximising Efficiency: A boiler’s efficiency can be significantly impacted by how well it’s installed. Professionals ensure that the system is set up for optimal operation, from the flue placement to the condensate drain. This attention to detail means your boiler will run as efficiently as the manufacturer intended.
  3. Customisation to Your Needs: Every home is unique, and so are its heating requirements. Professionals don’t just install a boiler; they customize the installation to your home’s specific needs. This could involve adjusting pipework, setting up zoned heating, or integrating smart thermostats for better control and efficiency.
  4. Compliance with Regulations: Heating installations are subject to local building codes and regulations. Professional installers are up-to-date on these requirements, ensuring your installation is compliant and won’t cause headaches down the line.
  5. Peace of Mind: Perhaps the most significant benefit is the peace of mind that comes with knowing your boiler is installed correctly. You’ll have confidence in its safety, efficiency, and longevity. Plus, professional installation often comes with warranties and support, providing an extra layer of security.

Upgrading to a condensing boiler is a smart move for any homeowner looking to improve their home’s efficiency and environmental footprint. By focusing on selecting the right boiler and ensuring it’s professionally installed, you’re setting the stage for a warmer, more sustainable home.

Potential Challenges

Upgrading your heating system to a condensing boiler can be a game-changer for both your wallet and the planet. However, like any significant home improvement project, there are challenges to navigate. Let’s explore two of the main hurdles homeowners might face: the initial cost and system compatibility.

Initial Cost

There’s no sugarcoating it; the upfront cost of a condensing boiler can be a bit of a shock to the system as I mentioned above. These boilers are at the cutting edge of heating technology, and their price tags reflect that. But here’s the kicker: the initial investment is only part of the story.

  • Long-term Savings: Think of a condensing boiler as an investment rather than a cost. These systems are incredibly efficient, converting more fuel into usable heat. This efficiency translates into lower energy bills month after month, year after year. Over time, these savings can more than offset the higher purchase price.
  • Environmental Impact: It’s also worth considering the environmental savings. By using less energy, you’re reducing your carbon footprint. In an era where climate change is a hot topic, switching to a more efficient boiler is a tangible step you can take to help the planet.
  • Incentives and Rebates: Don’t forget to look into any available incentives or rebates. Many governments and energy companies offer financial incentives to encourage homeowners to upgrade to more efficient heating systems. These can significantly reduce the net cost of your new boiler.
Gas bills consultant

Gas bills consultant

Compatibility with Existing Systems

One of the biggest concerns for homeowners is whether a new condensing boiler will play nice with their existing heating system. This worry is understandable; after all, no one wants to invest in a new boiler only to find it doesn’t work with their current setup.

  • Professional Assessment: The key to overcoming this challenge is a professional assessment. A qualified heating engineer can examine your existing system and advise on any necessary modifications or upgrades. In many cases, adapting your system to a new boiler is straightforward and won’t break the bank.
  • Upgrades and Modifications: Sometimes, upgrading to a condensing boiler can be an opportunity to make overall improvements to your heating system. This might include upgrading radiators, installing new thermostatic radiator valves, or improving insulation. While these changes do represent an additional cost, they also lead to further efficiency gains and comfort.
  • Custom Solutions: Every home is unique, and a professional installer can tailor the boiler installation to your specific needs. Whether it’s adjusting pipework, adding a new flue, or integrating with renewable energy sources, there’s usually a solution that ensures your new boiler works harmoniously with your existing system.
  • Peace of Mind: Ultimately, getting professional advice gives you peace of mind. You’ll have the confidence that your new condensing boiler will not only be compatible with your current system but will also operate at peak efficiency.

Upgrading to a condensing boiler presents challenges, but with the right approach, these can be easily managed. The initial cost should be viewed as an investment in your home’s future, offering both financial and environmental returns. And with professional guidance, compatibility issues can be addressed, ensuring a smooth transition to a more efficient, eco-friendly heating system.

Old gas boiler upgrade

Old gas boiler upgrade

The Final Verdict

As we reach the end of our journey through the intricacies of upgrading from a non-condensing to a condensing boiler, it’s clear that the path, while dotted with hurdles, leads to a destination well worth the effort. The transition to a condensing boiler represents more than just an upgrade in home heating technology; it signifies a commitment to a more sustainable, cost-effective, and efficient household.

The improvements in efficiency and the consequent environmental benefits cannot be overstated. By embracing condensing boiler technology, homeowners are making a direct contribution to reducing carbon emissions, an action that resonates with the growing global emphasis on environmental responsibility. This shift also aligns with the personal goal of many to lower their carbon footprint, offering a practical step towards achieving that aim.

Moreover, the financial implications, though potentially daunting at first glance due to higher upfront costs, reveal a silver lining in the form of long-term savings. The initial investment in a condensing boiler paves the way for decreased energy bills, a boon for any household budget. This reduction in ongoing costs can, over time, not only recoup the initial outlay but also contribute to considerable savings.

Addressing the challenges head-on, such as the initial investment and ensuring compatibility with existing systems, might require effort and possibly adjustment. However, the assistance of professional installers and advisors can smooth this transition, offering tailored solutions that enhance the boiler’s efficiency and integration into your home. Their expertise ensures that the boiler you choose is not only a perfect match for your heating needs but also installed to the highest standards of safety and performance.

In drawing our discussion to a close, the decision to upgrade to a condensing boiler emerges as a wise, forward-thinking choice for homeowners. The benefits, spanning from enhanced efficiency and financial savings to contributing positively to environmental conservation, firmly tilt the scales in favor of making the switch. While acknowledging the hurdles, the long-term advantages indeed overshadow these initial challenges, painting a compelling picture of the value such an upgrade brings to a home.

Frequently Asked Questions


Yes, the efficiency gains mean you’ll use less energy for heating, leading to significant savings on your bills over time.

With proper maintenance, a condensing boiler can last 15 years or more, providing long-term value for your home.

Absolutely. Professional installation ensures your boiler is installed correctly, safely, and optimized for your home’s heating needs.

Yes, in most cases, condensing boilers are compatible with existing radiators, but a professional assessment is recommended.

Regular servicing by a professional is recommended to keep your boiler running efficiently and to prevent any potential issues.
Will Archer

Will Archer


Will Archer (also known as Archie!) is an eco-conscious expert at ECO Fit Homes, where he blends his passion for sustainable living with stylish interior design. With a rich background in environmental science and a knack for eco-friendly upgrades, Will guides homeowners through their journey towards a greener, more sustainable lifestyle. His insightful tips and practical advice on energy efficiency, solar power, and DIY home improvements are a cornerstone of the ECO Fit Homes blog.
Get Advice

Discover the perfect heating systems and eco-friendly solutions for your home! Our dedicated team of experts is here to provide you with valuable advice and guidance. With a creative approach, we’ll help you find the best heating options that are both efficient and environmentally-conscious. Say goodbye to outdated boilers and embrace a sustainable future for your home. Trust us to deliver honest recommendations and unleash the true potential of your heating system. Get the warmth you deserve while reducing your carbon footprint. Let’s make your home cosy and eco-friendly together!